心语博客 - King3399/荣品3399刷机教程 的评论 前言这是一块资料比较全的ARM开发板,参数是RK3399 6核心arm,配置2G RAM+16G EMMC由于配套的资料比较全,可玩性非常的高,目前已经适配很多第三方Linux系统如:openw... 2024-03-27T17:34:49+08:00 Typecho http://vpset.com/feed/atom/9.html <![CDATA[BB]]> http://vpset.com/9.html#comment-8 2024-03-27T17:34:49+08:00 2024-03-27T17:34:49+08:00 BB Maybe you need to download and flash this loader,I can boot after flashing
hope this helps you

<![CDATA[fajar]]> http://vpset.com/9.html#comment-7 2023-09-16T19:03:02+08:00 2023-09-16T19:03:02+08:00 fajar Hello thanks for this tutorial
But i have problem when following step this article.
- For openwrt image, device can't boot but can reflash with factory android image.
- For armbian image, device can't boot and can't reflash until i jumper some resistor when booting and after showing boot log, i put off jumper wire.
Any suggestion for installing this device? i really want to install this device with openwrt but no one tutorial working installing openwrt on emmc. For armbian image, i can flash it to emmc.
